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Wingham Chronicle 7 September 2011

Wingham Chronicle 7 September 2011

Bent on Food wins again

THE Manning Valley tourism industry is celebrating the outstanding results of the Countrylink North Coast 2011 Tourism Awards held in Grafton with Wingham’s Bent On Food again taking out a couple of categories.

Manning Valley Tourism coordinator, Kim MacDonald said that congratulations are certainly due for this excellent result with the Manning bringing home five gold awards.

“For the local tourism industry it is so encouraging and recognises their hard work, dedication and passion for an excellent product.”

Categories were judged with other tourism products from Port Stephens through to the Tweed with Bent on Food taking out the Specialised Tourism Services, and Restaurant and Catering Services awards.

Owner of Bent On Food, Donna Carrier was delighted with her wins, bringing her total to 18 since 2006.

But even more special for Donna was fulfilling a dream of winning the two awards in the one night.

“I’ve always wanted to do that, take out the two categories and it’s really great that we now have,” she said.

It was also announced that Bent On Food and Bent On Life will be a hall of fame inductee at next year’s awards, after taking out the specialised tourism services award three years in a row.

“That came as a surprise to us and we’re excited for the induction next year.”

As a result of her win, Donna is now a guaranteed finalist in the State Tourism Awards, to be held in Syndey in November.

Bent on Food had a successful start to the awards season, winning three medals in the 2011 Mudgee Fine Food Show. This is the first time the business has entered their product range into any show.

Bent on Food Strawberry and Vanilla Jam and the yet to be released Bent on Food Sweet Tomato Relish were both awarded a silver medal, with Bent on Food Spicy Beetroot Relish gaining a bronze.

Recently the café was thrilled to receive notification of their place in the new Lonely Planet East Coast Australia Travel Guide.


To see the original article and images please go to Bent on Food wins again at Wingham Chronicle online.