Where to eat
You can stop dreaming of a café that proudly sources from its regional backyard, for here it is in a modern interior in rural Wingham. The antipasto’s great, but if you don’t feel like sharing, the locally smoked ham and Swiss cheese baguette is another good choice. Finish with banana bread, yoghurt and red Belly Gourmet rhubarb compote. Many ingredients can be purchased (see Where to Shop)
Where to shop
The area’s most comprehensive range of gourmet products can be found here. Products are mainly sourced from the region, including Red Belly Gourmet compotes, Murrumbooee preserved lemons, Lorne Valley chutneys and The Other Chef condiments. Among fresh items are rounds of Comboyne Culture Cheese, Capparis goat’s cheese from Gloucester, and Quigley’s Smokehouse fish and patés. There is also kitchenware, from Swiss saucepans to knick-knacks.